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FTPS Sample

From: Scott Wippich <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 01:43:59 -0700 (PDT)

I need a sample C# code for uploading file using FTPS and libcurl, can anybody help me ?

Daniel Stenberg <> wrote: On Mon, 15 May 2006, Scott Wippich wrote:

> As I am new to FTPS and LibCurl, can anybody answer my questions :

Consider the curl-library list for libcurl stuff.

> 1. Which connection mechanism (Implicit / Explicit) does Libcurl support ?


> 2. If libcurl supports both, then Is there any way to specify which one to
> use ?

Explicit connects use ftps:// and implicit use ftp:// with CURLOPT_FTP_SSL
set. Note that the latter approach is what the FTP RFC says we should use and
it probably has the best chances to work.

> 3. Are the username, and password obsolete when using FTPS ?

Nope. But they are (can be) sent to the server over the encrypted control

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Received on 2006-05-15