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Re: Authentication problem? - Error 401

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 17:19:44 -0700

On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 04:31:00PM -0700, d w wrote:
> I wasn't sure what you meant when you wrote that the "username and pasword
> for this client isn't set up the same way on the server as the other
> client...". After changing said account, I tried running both scripts from
> the same client and one script works but the other doesn't. That's what has

I don't know how authentication is configured on the server, but since you're
posting to two different URLs, it could be that authentication is set up
differently for each URL.

> me confused. If it denied access to both posts, I could understand that. I
> also modified the string I was trying to send to see if the "date" field
> was causing the problem. I entered all the fields manually so I knew what
> was being sent and I still received the access denied error.
> Any ideas?

Time to look at the server logs and see why it's allowing one and not the

>>> Dan

--              The web change of address service
          Let webmasters know that your web site has moved
Received on 2006-05-09