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Re: Curl complains about no 'cc'

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 20:23:59 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, wrote:

> I have downloaded curl 7.15 and openssl -0.9.6a, onto an AIX5.1 server with
> compiler. I have compiled it, 'with-ssl', and ported the compiled version
> over to my Live server, into same directory structure. Difference is though,
> this Live server does not have a C-compiler installed.
> When I try to execute curl, it errors:
> ./curl[87]: cc: not found
> Do I need to have C compiler installed on the Live server as well?

No. But you should've done 'make install' on the first server and copied the
_installed_ curl, not the one from the build tree. curl is built with libtool
and thus while in the build tree 'curl' is a simple shell script wrapper and
you don't want _that_ installed in your "Live" server.

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Received on 2006-04-28