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Re: Fetching content with browser works fine, curl fails with error 500 (curl.exe)

From: Alexander Lazic <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 21:56:13 +0100


On Don 23.03.2006 19:21, Jens Bonerz wrote:
>What I have been basically doing until last week was sending a request
>to my webserver that called a page within phpmyadmin. in this request i
>posted all necessary get variables to initiate a database dump and have
>it sent to my computer (as an sql file).
>this was done using wget. today i tried it again and it failed with an
>internal server error 500.

What was changed on the webserver?!

>now, i switched to curl.exe (no ssl support) hoping that this is the
>better piece of software anyways but yet...I am still encountering the
>same issue. when i paste the request uri into firefox or ie,
>everything works fine and the browser saves the sql file doing the same
>thing from curl command line, it fails. I have put the query in
>Does anybody have a clue about this?

1.) how about to add

-A 'Mozilla/5.0 (en-US; rv: Gecko/20060313 Firefox/'

into the curl comandline?

2.) As the Question above: What was changed on the webserver?
3.) Have you looked with LivehttpHeaders what exact was send from

4.) Which version of curl do you use?


Received on 2006-03-23