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Re: how to automate signup

From: Doug McNutt <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:03:18 -0700

At 08:28 -0800 3/22/06, xinyang qian wrote:
> A signup with multiple forms, how can I use curl N
>times in getting this signup process automated ?

It's not ready for prime time but I did give a talk on this at our local Linux user group.


I didn't pray enough to the demo gods and had to fake the results. I think it was the proxy associated with the Panera Bread restaurant whose public 802-11 link I was trying to use.

But then, the whole thing may work only if run right here. Be warned.

--> Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. <--
Received on 2006-03-22