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Re: post - curl error

From: krithiga chandhrasekhar <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 09:05:26 -0800 (PST)

  set SYSSER $address(sys_ser)
 set endStr2 "_manual_1"
 set endStr1 "_manual_1.xml"
 set uploadserver "http://..." ;# for server posting
  catch {exec C:/curlSsl $SYSSER$endStr1 $SYSSER$endStr2 $uploadserver} result
 puts "result is $result"
  Is this clear?

Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
  On Wed, 1 Feb 2006, krithiga chandhrasekhar wrote:

> I am not sure of the version. It is the latest version from the web I
> installed this. The platform is Windows XP.

Did you get it recently? If so we can assume 7.15.1.

> these are variables in TCL I am using

They didn't make it clear to me how the full command line you try to run looks
like. Can't you just make your script print/echo the full command line before
you run it and show us that line?

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Received on 2006-02-02