cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: cookies + jsp = trouble

From: Jake Peavy <>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:07:03 -0700

Well, I wasn't totally sure... is that what the following code does?

function AkamaiOnClick( cookie, exp ) {
    var expDttm = new Date();
    expDttm setMinutes( expDttm getMinutes() + 2 );
    var expStr = ( exp ) ? " expires=" + expDttm toUTCString() : "";
    document cookie = "nnAkamaiAuth=" + cookie + ";
    domain= nortelnetworks com;
    " + expStr;

document cookie = "nnCSPurlParms=BV_SessionID=@@@@0920851739
1132884647@@@@&BV_EngineID=gaddfekdglgmbhkcginchgcgio 0;
domain= nortelnetworks com;
expires=Fri, 25 Nov 2005 03:10:47 GMT";
Received on 2005-11-25