Re: curl and ftp methods
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:05:54 -0800
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 05:13:45PM +0100, wrote:
> I am trying to use curl to download an ftp file, here is the output from my
> attempt with the ?v flag;
> As you can see from the above curl moves into the directory FUSION first, then
> tries to move into SE, fails, then leaves. This is different from the behaviour
> of wget which moves directly into the target directory thusly;
Presumably, this behaviour is an attempt by curl to be more interoperable to
weird ftp servers. Unfortunately, RFC-959 states that CWD can work on a
"system dependent file group designator", and "FTP does not yet specify a standard pathname convention." The slash is really a UNIX-specific directory
separator character and isn't theoretically usable on all FTP servers (e.g.
Mac before OS X). Changing directories the curl way should work no matter
what the directory separator character (actually, RFC-959 points out an
exceptional and obsolete system, TOPS-20, where even the curl way won't work).
Realistically, any ftp server on the Internet today will support the UNIX-
style slash, so the curl method doesn't really help much.
However, having said all that, RFC-1738 says that the curl way is the right
and only way. If the server you are connecting to won't handle this, then
the URL you are using invalid.
>>> Dan
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