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HTTP Response

From: Pedro Neves <>
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 22:47:21 +0000

Dear all,

I am using libcurl to communicate with an equipment. However, I am
having a problem, and I do not know how to solve it.

Sometimes, when I send a GET message to the equipment using
curl_easy_setopt() and curl_easy_perform(), I do not understand why, but
I have no HTTP OK from the equipment. I used ethereal to verify if the
HTTP OK message is sent by the equipment, but no. It does not reply to
the GET message.

Is there any option that I can use with curl_easy_setopt to find out
what is going wrong (I am already using VERBOSE and DEBUG)?

In fact, using the DEBUG and the VERBOSE options I notice that the GET
message is sent, but curl stops and waits for the HTTP OK that never
comes....thus, my program just gets blocked. Is there any way, using
curl, to repeat the GET request to the equipment if the HTTP OK is not
received? Or, is there any way to continue my program without stop it
waiting for the HTTP OK message?

Thanks in advance foryour help.

Received on 2005-11-03