cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Multipart Download

From: Arup Malakar <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 01:18:54 +0530 (IST)

Hi all,
         Greetings to all. This is my first mail to the mailing list
and I am a new user of cUrl too. I am sorry if my question is very
          When we download using the range feature we can also specify two
ranges. But then the downloaded data goes in a single file only.
         thus if we specify the range as "-r 1-100,300-500" both these data
blocks will be downloaded to one output file only(if we specify an output
file). Is it possible to have both of these datas in two separate files
ie. bytes 1-100 in one file and 300-500 in another file.

Thanking you,

Arup Malakar
Received on 2005-10-27