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libcurl Funding from the Swedish IIS Foundation

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:28:53 +0200 (CEST)

        Daniel Receives libcurl Funding from the Swedish IIS Foundation

Date: October 25, 2005
Author: Daniel Stenberg

The Swedish foundation II-Stiftelsen (IIS), the "Internet infrastructure
foundation", has the administration of the toplevel domain .se as one of its
main tasks.

   "The purpose of the foundation is to promote a good stability in the
   Internets infrastructure in Sweden and promote research, education and
   teaching in data and telecommunication, especially with focus on Internet."

IIS runs a fund that hands out money every year to applicants. To help and
fund development that improves Internet and Internet development in Sweden.

This year (2005), IIS hands out 2.6 million SEK (~330000 USD).

IIS has approved to fund Daniel with 150000 SEK (~19000 USD) for libcurl
development - for which Daniel applied for earlier this year.

This specific development concerns extending and improving libcurl for high
performance purposes, to adjust and adapt libcurl to better handle very large
amounts of simultaneous file transfers using the multi interface, and to add
HTTP pipelining (if deemed suitable).

This high performance adjustment will partly be done through the use of a new
curl_multi_sock() function and associated concepts. See include/curl/multi.h
to get a grasp about what it means (details may of course need to be changed
in the actual upcoming implementation).

Daniel intends to use the money to be able to work full or part time on
libcurl development to implement these things. Daniel is otherwise and usually
working full-time as a contract developer with embedded systems, network and
Linux programming.

Yesterday, Daniel received a diploma at the offical hand-out during the
"Internetdagarna" conference in Stockholm.

  Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2005-10-25