cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Curl speed / timeout options

From: Magnus Stålnacke <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 16:05:32 +0200

sds ssdsd wrote:
> 2) My second question is 'curl oriented'...: In shell
> scripts, when i curl some web pages, i always resort
> to "sed" or "grep" to parse them and do the stuff.
> This is not a very neat solution. I would like to be
> able to perform xml "xpath request" on html pages but:
> I tried xml parsers, which failed because html pages
> are not well formed xml documents (parsers find lots
> of errors, even on very simple web pages)
> Do anyone is aware of such a tool ?

Maybe "lynx -dump" piped to some sed/grep regexp. can
do the trick for you?

I think you have to be a little more specific about
your "problem", is it content or code you want to do
your stuff on?

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Received on 2005-10-17