Re: --max-filesize and streams
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 10:57:02 -0400
At 02:21 PM 9/10/2005 , Daniel Stenberg wrote:
>>But it does not exit either. It continues counting off the time but no
>>data is being transferred.
>Odd. Can you show us a command line against a public URL that shows what
Here is the command line that I was testing with:
curl.exe --url -o
d:\News\News.mp3 --max-time 3120 -A 'WinampMPEG/5.0' --retry 32 -C -
>The reason is quite simply that I just made it so and no one has requested
>any different behaviour or provided any corrections. In my narrow-minded
>world, I don't consider broken transfers to be very frequent but the
>transient errors can be and thus I thought those problems to be what
>--retry should work with.
>But I'm indeed open to improving this area (too).
That would be great. Broken transfers are actually very common. Especially
in the streaming world. Some streaming servers automatically shed the
oldest running streams whenever the load gets too high. They assume that,
if someone is still listening, the listener will manually reconnect. But if
no-one was listening then the server will have freed up some bandwidth.
>So, I see a bit of work ahead of us to make this work! ;-)
It would be appreciated very much. There are a bunch of us who are looking
for a tool to use for time-shifting streams. We would like to be able to
download them to our portable MP3 players. So far I have not found anything
robust enough to reliably download a whole show on a consistent basis.
I am not a protocol guy so I probably cant be of much help with the coding
but I would be glad to do testing and help document how it can be used to
download streams.
Received on 2005-09-11