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Re: Getting curl to cross compile with SSL

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 16:59:45 -0700

On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 06:59:57PM -0400, Anirudh V. Ramachandran wrote:
> I need to get curl to cross-compile on an ipaq handheld PC with SSL
> enabled. The ipaq is running Familiar Linux, but the distribution of
> curl available for Familiar doesnt have SSL. How do I get it to
> compile with SSL for the target machine (arm architecture). My host

See the docs/INSTALL document.

> machine has ssl libraries in /lib. However, I tried the
> --with-ssl=/lib during configure, but it didnt work. Is this because
> the libraries are for the host architecture? So do I have to download

--with-ssl= expects a path to a directory tree that includes include/ and
lib/ subdirectories. You must ensure that your OpenSSL installation looks
like that if you give a path to --with-ssl. If your libraries are in the
"standard" location for your cross-compiler, then you shouldn't need to
give a path at all.

> openssl source, cross compile it, and then cross compile curl using
> those openssl libs? Space is also an issue, I cant spare more than an
> MB or so of space for the final binary on the ipaq.

If you have a pre-built OpenSSL development library and include files for
your target, you shouldn't have to compile it yourself again. However,
you will probably want to regardless to compile out all the unneeded SSL
features to reduce the size of your binary.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2005-09-03