https post problem
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 16:13:38 +0100
I'm afraid this is rather a strange one.
HTTPS Post from Windows NT4 machines to Customer1 and Customer2 works perfectly.
HTTPS Post from Windows 2003 machine to Customer1 works perfectly.
HTTPS Post from same Windows 2003 machine to Customer2 fails - Customer2 logs show this as a GET rather than a POST
Command for Customer1 (on both machines)
curl --data-binary "@D:\file.txt" -u user:password --header "CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml" -k ""
Command for Customer 2 (on both machines)
curl --data-binary "@D:\file.txt" --header "CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml" -k ""
Curl version 7.13
Any ideas?
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Received on 2005-08-11