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Re: Fwd: RE.: Outputting HTTP request to a file

From: RSN RSN <>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 11:29:25 +0100

Are we going to get the option that sends

1. The sent headers (HTTP request)
2. The received headers (HTTP reply)
3. Received body (HTTP reply body)

to the same stream?

On 4/22/05, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, RSN RSN wrote:
> > Could you please explain what the -i option is for if not to observe the
> > entire HTTP conversation.
> It is for getting the received headers sent to the same stream the received
> body is sent.
> > It doesn't have to be the -i or -D option. It just appears that the -i
> > option performs to 80% the required function for application testing also in
> > the output.
> The received headers and received body is about 50% I would say. The sent
> headers and sent body would be the rest. :-)
> --
> Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2005-04-23