Invalid direct reference error message when calling to j_security_check
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 16:52:59 +0100
Good day to all,
when trying to access to a secured download/upload area on a hhtps
server with Apache + Tomcat , I have to go thru a login page.
Everything seems to go fine till the moment I try to submit the login
form (whose 'action' is set to 'j_security_check') when I receive
the 400 error message 'Invalid direct reference to form login page' ; at
this point any tentative to access to subsequent page fails as I am
resent to
the login page.
It is not a cookie problem as I use in the curl calls the -b option and
I can check with -v that the correct Jsessionid cookie is sent at each
step correctly to the server.
It doesn't seem neither to be a problem due to not have followed the
right steps before calling the login page (I just follow the one my
browser takes).
Here is a sample of the batch used:
curl -v -A "Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0; Windows NT)" --dump-header header.txt
-b header.txt
curl -v -A "Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0; Windows NT)" -d
I have very little knowledge about Apache and Tomcat,let's say none,
except for a few reading on the net about this error message.
Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated.
Philippe Paclet
Received on 2005-03-23