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Re: upload to browser

From: Magnus Stålnacke <>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 01:32:21 +0100

Magnus Stålnacke wrote:

> mozilla -remote "openurl("
> somehow read that phpsessid > kaka.txt
> for i in *.jpg; do
> curl -b kaka.txt -F Image1=@$i
> done
> rm kaka.txt
> mozilla -remote "openurl("

Now i *know* that this works :-)
I used the mozilla cookie-manager to read (with my eyes) the
session ID that doesent get written to file, and manually made
the "kaka.txt"... the rest worked like a charm.

So, i guess i have to squeeze some mozilla-people on the info
on how to get out the session ID from Mozilla (i have started,
but does not get any real answers).

This is a bit frustrating, i know the info is there, in my computer,
i can even see it, but cant get to it in my own command shell...
(reminds me of another OS...)

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Received on 2005-02-24