cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


My perception of curl (fwd)

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 08:49:07 +0100 (CET)

Howdy friends

I received this mail and I thought as this isn't exactly to me personally, but
to the "project", I could forward it for further knowledge. I've removed the
senders name and email.

I tried to reply to this mail, but the sender used an email address that
doesn't work!

Regarding the contents, I don't have much to say. It is just... vague and
without details.

      Daniel Stenberg -- --
       Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:54:50 -0800
From: Anonymous User
To: Daniel Stenberg
Subject: My perception of curl
This may be an entirely wrong perception, but having got the
cvs from and several downloads at different versions,
I would say that this is a very badly maintained and badly
organised project.
That is not to say that it does not work - when it does work.
For me it does not work and I do not feel that  a poorly
maintained source distribution can maintain its status as a
good project in the years that we are about to face.
I hope that you will endeavor to ensure that curl is more
rigourously maintained with respect to both source and
supporting library file in the future.
Received on 2005-02-08