Re: WPAD, PAC files, and FindProxyForURL()
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 21:34:38 -0600
Nearest I got to that was pushing a .pac file through the Mozilla
SpiderMonkey javascript engine in a Bourne shell script. My notes on
that are in the curl mail archive, sometime around 2002, I think.
I'll look them out when I get to work tonight.
As for doing it in a browser, I suppose it ought to work, provided the
FindProxyForUrl() is exposed to the web page, which it may not be.
The FindProxyForUrl() function is supposed to return either DIRECT, or
the url of the proxy, in the form of
Ralph Mitchell
On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 13:33:41 -0800, Edward Chan <> wrote:
> This is probably not the right place to ask this, but I'm hoping somebody on
> this list might know about this. I'm trying to use WPAD (Web Proxy
> Auto-Discovery Protocol). I've set up a PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration)
> file, and set my browser to auto detect proxy. The browser is able to find
> the PAC file by using WPAD, and I guess executes the FindProxyForURL()
> function defined in the PAC file. But I would like to be able to call this
> function from my JavaScript embedded in my HTML page to see what this
> function returns. Is this possible?
> Thanks for any help you can give me.
> Ed
Received on 2005-02-05