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curl and perl

From: Rudy Moore <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 13:34:02 -0800 (PST)


I'm working on a script to automate some very large downloads using curl and
perl. I just noticed that there's a libcurl, so you're all probably going to
cringe when I tell you I've just been calling curl with open commands.

Mostly this has been working great. I'm autheniticated with the site and the
download starts out okay.

The problem is that the download locks up. I'm connected to the machine where
I'm doing the downloads via ssh. The ssh connection also locks up. It locks
up to the point where I can't reconnect for some time. After awhile, I can get
back in. I see that the perl (and curl) applications are still running, but no
file transfer is occurring.

At first I figured I was just saturating the pipe so my ssh packets couldn't
get through. So I tried limitting the bandwidth with the --limit-rate
command, but it didn't seem to work. Is there a way of explicitely saying,
"leave some bandwidth free" rather than just setting 25K or whatever as your
download speed?

So even with a limit-rate command it still seems to lock up. The program
successfully downloads about 10M before the lock-up occurs, though that amount
is random.

I'm using curl 7.10.3, zlib 1.1.3 under redhat.

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Received on 2005-01-08