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Problems with and curl

From: arturo didonna <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 15:55:53 +0100 (CET)

Hi, everyone.
I am having problems in using the '' and 'curl' programs. I was wondering if there is any kind soul willing to help me.

I am using the '' program in order to extract the fields to fill for posting data by using curl.

I first captured the target page by using curl:
curl "" > login_cboe
Then I typed: < login_cboe
and I got the following output:
--- FORM report. Uses POST to URL "/realtime/login.php"
Input: NAME="[weird]" VALUE="[weird]" (HIDDEN)
Input: NAME="[weird]" VALUE="[weird]" (HIDDEN)
Input: NAME="[weird]" VALUE="[weird]" (HIDDEN)
Input: NAME="[weird]" VALUE="[weird]" (TEXT)
Input: NAME="[weird]" VALUE="[weird]" (PASSWORD)
Select: NAME="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]" (SELECTED)
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
  Option VALUE="[weird]"
[end of select]
Input: NAME="[weird]" VALUE="[weird]" (SUBMIT)
--- end of FORM
My question is: from the web form, I can see only two fields to fill i.e.,Username and Password plus the submit botton. Instead, from the output I get from '', it seems that the fields to fill are more. Could you please explain me why?
Also, do you think that would be reasonable a curl script like this to do the login:
curl -d "username=john_doe&password=my_password&SUBMIT=SUBMIT" ""
Many thanks in advance.

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Received on 2004-12-30