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curl processes hang on windows 2003

From: Yuri <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 09:48:40 -0800


We are running curl from ASP as external command (process) and reading
stdout. These

processes hang quite frequently on Windows 2003 server. All processes

hang when "I/O Writes"=50 and "I/O Write Bytes"=4031 as of Windows

task manager (but looks like not byte count is a problem as we have

some requests returning much more without problems).

Also it looks random the same request may hang or may not hang (I was

not able to find a way to reproduce it). We are using curl version 7.12.2.

Another side which ASP talks to is Apache webserver on Linux - it

looks like there are no problems there.

What could be the problem ?
Received on 2004-11-12