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SSL certificate verify result error number 1 (20)

From: Epperson, Randall W <>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 08:01:00 -0600

Can anyone tell me what error number 1 (20) means from the SSL certificate verify?
thanks...randy epperson
My curl config file looks like this -
url=" ftp://xxxxx:xxxxxx@(server-name):221"
quote="site sendto michkuk"
and the verbose output looks like this -
> STOR test_file
< 150 Opening BINARY mode secure data connection for ../ftpin/Fb.UPSTP81.0IJ8Uqb.edi.
* Doing the SSL/TLS handshake on the data stream
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /usr/local/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt
  CApath: none
* SSL re-using session ID
* SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA
* Server certificate:
* subject: /C=US/O=IBM/OU=Interchange Services for e-business: Server/CN=(server-name)
* start date: 2003-07-15 17:22:08 GMT
* expire date: 2005-07-14 17:22:08 GMT
* common name: (server-name) (matched)
* issuer: /C=US/O=IBM/OU=Interchange Services for e-business/CN=PKI Services Root CA
* SSL certificate verify result: error number 1 (20), continuing anyway.
< 226 Transfer complete to michkuk
* Connection #0 to host (server-name) left intact
Received on 2004-11-04