cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Using curl to save cookies....

From: Bill Mercer <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 15:03:23 -0400

Two problems:

1. The -c argument just saves the cookies to a file, the actual returned page is still
going to stdout. If you want the actual page to go to a file, use the -o or -O options.
2. doesn't set any cookies, so there's nothing to store.

>>>> 10/27/04 02:48PM >>>
>I execute the following at the Windows XP command prompt:
>curl -c cookie.txt <>
>I expected the download to go to: 'cookie.txt' ......

>instead it displays on stdout....what did I miss ??


Bill Mercer - National Center for Construction Education and Research
3600 NW 43rd St
Gainesville, Florida 32606
Phone 352-334-0911 Fax 352-334-0932

Received on 2004-10-27