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RE: Problems using cURLl to Form Post a file above 50K

From: Meyer, Aaron <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 12:25:43 -0400

I have posted on this subject earlier, stating that I was having difficulty
using cURL to post a file via HTTPS. It will post the file successfully
only about 50% of the time. I though I had the problem resolved, but it is

To summarize:

I am using curl 7.12.0 win 32 ssl on a Windows 2000 machine.
I am executing curl from the command line:

C:\CURL\curl --proxy 155.55.555.1:80 --proxy-user id:passwd -F
"txtUserName=user_name" -F "txtPassword=password" -F "txtDomain=xxx" -F
"file1=@Customer.txt" -F "fileType=CUSTOMER" https://staging/upload.asp

The proxy server authenticates outgoing transmissions. I used Ethereal to
trace the transaction. Apparently, curl is always trying to post to
http://curl first, for some reason. This of course always fails. Sometimes
it stops at this point, other times it continues on, connects to the desired
https page, and the transmission is successful.

Can anyone explain why it would try posting to http://curl first?

Thank you.
Received on 2004-10-20