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RE-3: With Curl the last two lines are missing of all the file in beh

From: <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 12:19:00 +0200

Hallo again,

I'm still trying to automatcly download from (with https)
Different user-agents in the call didn't change the false Content_Length in
the header.
I found iehttpheaders on
A part of the T-Mobile header in IE just before the download:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Content-Length: 16
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cookie: ns_cookietest=true; ns_cookietest=true;
ns_session=true; LEVEL1COOKIE=BEHEER%231%2E11680821;
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 07:19:03 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Content-Disposition: anything;filename=export.tsv
content-length: 929
Content-Type: application/download; name="\export.tsv\"
Expires: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 07:19:03 GMT
Cache-control: private
Conclusion: The content-length IE gives is the same as Mozilla gives and
just as wrong.
Why IE does correctly download te file and Mozilla doesn't is a mistery to
After testing a lot of exports I found logic in the size-differences.
Every time the size after "Recv data" in the trace is exactly 100 bytes less
as the actual size.
So now I want to create a workaround.
First download the file, add 100 to the size after "Recv data" in the
tracefile and put that in a variable.
Test this variable in a modified CURL and use that for the size.
That's why I want to modify lib/transfer.c
But I can't seem to find a correct Win32 Source to make a modify'd
executable from.
With I followed the Microsoft command line style
instructions on
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
set OPENSSL_PATH=c:\openssl-0.9.7d
call nmake vc-ssl-dll
        cd lib
        nmake /f Makefile.vc6 cfg=release-ssl-dll
        cl.exe /MD /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "USE_SSLEAY" /I "c:\openssl-0.9.7d"
/I "c:\openssl-0.9.7d\include\openssl" /I "." /I "../include" /nologo /W3
/GX /D "WIN32" /D "VC6" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c /D "MSDOS"
/Fo".\release-ssl-dll\cookie.obj" .\cookie.c
.\urldata.h(135) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'SSL_CTX'
.\urldata.h(136) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
.\urldata.h(137) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
.\urldata.h(139) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'
.\urldata.h(488) : error C2079: 'ssl' uses undefined struct
Part of urldata.h(Line 130-140)
        /* struct for data related to each SSL connection */
         struct ssl_connect_data {
           bool use; /* use ssl encrypted communications TRUE/FALSE */
         #ifdef USE_SSLEAY
         /* these ones requires specific SSL-types */
          SSL_CTX* ctx;
        SSL* handle;
          X509* server_cert;
        #endif /* USE_SSLEAY */
Can someone tell me how to succesfully build CURL (with-ssl) from source
code on a Win32 platform?

Received on 2004-09-02