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Re: Page empty of content

From: Robert W March <>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 13:48:36 -0400

As additional info ...
The result page should contain the data in the section that begins
<!-- #BeginEditable "LangueAstuceForme" -->
<form name="LangueAstuce" method="get" action="/cgi-bin/">

Presumably, the perl script is not being called.


On Saturday August 21 2004 13:41, Robert W March wrote:
> Studied the man page, the manual and TheArtOfHttpScripting.
> To get data from
> my commandline (built from viewing the page source) is:
> curl -b cookie.txt -d
> "NoSession=NS_Inconnu&Langue=anglais&Region=can&Stations=CYMX&get-m
>etar-taf=Get the bulletins"
> This command produces the expected page but it is without data.
> The actual data for the station, CYMX is not there.
> Could someone point me in the right direction.
> -Robert

                             Robert W March
                   	   St. Andrew's House
                  	  l'Orignal ON  Canada
Received on 2004-08-21