cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


capturing octet streams - unknown MIME types

From: Upuaut <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 16:06:38 -0700 (PDT)

I'm new to cURL.

Environment: cURL on windows 2000.

I go ato particular website. I click a link that
initiates a download of a file. I click save, and
I get the file.

I used a packet analysis tool to see how the
server is sending the file. Here is a sample
header from the server.

Content-type: application/unknown
Page-Completion-Status: Normal
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=9225.rm
Page-Completion-Status: Normal
Content-length: 3584190

I'm attempting to download a bunch of files sans

Using wget, I attempted to capture files, but was
unsuccessful.. the server returns a page saying
the file has moved (302) and serves a generic
barebones page. I'm guessing this is becuase wget
can't capture octet streams and/or unknown mime
types (or I don't know how to make it do so)

I looked around and found that curl could do
that. My question is: how?
And would I be able to do the same with wget?
I'm trying this on a windows 2000 machine.

Any help or pointers is greatly appreciated.

thanks a bunch.


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Received on 2004-07-05