cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


MIME headers

From: Kristopher Spencer-Yates <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:33:45 -0600


I'm trying to connect via cURL (with PHP) to send some MIME headers and
some XML. I have other XML systems I have created using this same
method with no problem.

exec("/usr/local/bin/curl -m 120 -H \"$mime_headers\" -d
\"$xml_content\" $merchant_URL:$merchant_PORT -L",
$return_message_array, $return_number);

Apparently this is not right because the provider is saying we are not
sending the MIME headers correctly. So how do you do it? I am trying
to connect to "Orbital Gateway". Anybody else here familiar with this

Thanks for any help,


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