Re: Windows 2003 and curl please help
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 16:26:40 -0500
On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 15:14, Nafees Khan wrote:
> Hello,
> I have read install.txt but I am not able to make curl work on windows
> 2003 server. Call me stupid or whatever but I have failed to make
> curl work on my server. I use oscommerce and every time I try I get
> an error Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'C:/curl/libcurl.dll
> I have tried C:/curl/curl.exe and same error curl.exe was given to me
> from oscommerce.
> Could someone please guide me to install a fresh copy of curl on
> windows 2003
> Any help will be greatly appreciated
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
The problem may be caused because you do not have curl parts in the
I create a directory c:\cur with subdirectories \bin, \include and \lib
because I build curl. I put c:\curl\bin in the path. I build the
libcurl version so in c:\curl\bin I place curl.exe and libcurl.dll. You
can build curl with static linkage rather than dynamic linkage in which
case you do not need libcurl.dll.
I also create a directory c:\openssl with the same subdirectories and
put c:\openssl\bin in the path.
Does oscommerce link to libcurl.dll?
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Received on 2003-12-22