cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


url encoding question

From: David Byron <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:01:17 -0800

I have a feeling this question comes up fairly often, but I haven't seen it
in awhile (although there was that --data-encode or similar proposal
recently but this is slightly different). A quick search of the mailing
list came up empty.

The man page doesn't explicitly say this, but I believe the URL given to
curl (e. g. via --url) must be url-encoded already.

Here's my situation. I need my URL to eventually be the url-encoded version
of: blah/nasty file name.asp?yucky data=5

I already handle the ?yucky data=5 part by url-encoding it myself and then
calling --data.

So, I'm left with handling blah/nasty file name.asp


I see all that nice url parsing code in lib/url.c and it seems like there's
probably an easy place to call curl_escape there.

Anyone know where that place is (in lib/url.c or maybe elsewhere)? If I can
find it/them and send a patch, is there a good chance it'll get accepted?
I'm guessing it would have to be via a new option so all the people that
pass already-encoded urls won't have to change anything.



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Received on 2003-12-19