RE: Microsoft VBScript runtime error workaround
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 14:42:06 -0500
It looks like you missed the "mode=1" argument. Also, the form technically places the "redir" parameter into the post data, rather than sending as part of the URL. So you might try this:
curl -d "Username=****&Password=****" -d "redir=%2fMyAccount%2fMyAccount.asp"
-L ""
(I apologize if this comes through wierd, since I'm sending from OWA, and can only send in HTML format...
- Kevin
From: Rama S Khalsa
Sent: Tue 12/9/03 2:22 PM
I am using the command: curl -d "Username=****&Password=****" -L
The server replies with "Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d' Type mismatch: 'Cint' "
The form looks like: *********
>>FORM name=form1 onsubmit="return validate(this);" action=Logon.asp?mode=1 method=post>
>>INPUT type=hidden value=/MyAccount/MyAccount.asp name=redir
>>INPUT maxLength=30 size=15 name=Username>
>>INPUT type=password maxLength=20 size=15 name=Password>
>>INPUT type=submit value="Log On" name=Login>
>>FORM> ***********
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Received on 2003-12-09