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cURL supports resumable upload via HTTP ?

From: Pravin Jade <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 11:52:25 +0530

Hi list,

I want to upload a file to Apache web server with Tomcat plug-in using cURL
via HTTP.
To support resumable upload , I used -C - switch. But it is transferring
data from start and not from where it was stopped.
As per Daniel's suggestion , I used -v switch to find out headers cURL sent
to my server and got following output on command prompt (Windows 2000 OS) -

D:\curl>curl -b fileName=DDSup.doc -C - -T http://localhost:8080/
put/fdgf.dop -# -v
* About to connect() to localhost:8080
* Connected to ( port 8080
> PUT /put/tryupload.dop HTTP/1.1
Content-Range: bytes -1-/549319371
User-Agent: curl/7.10.7 (win32) libcurl/7.10.7 zlib/1.1.4
Cookie: fileName=DDSup.doc
Host: localhost:8080
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Content-Length: 549319371

D:\curl>curl -b fileName=DDSup.doc -C - -T http://localhost:8080/
put/fdgf.dop -# -v
* About to connect() to localhost:8080
* Connected to ( port 8080
> PUT /put/tryupload.dop HTTP/1.1
Content-Range: bytes -1-/549319371
User-Agent: curl/7.10.7 (win32) libcurl/7.10.7 zlib/1.1.4
Cookie: fileName=DDSup.doc
Host: localhost:8080
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Content-Length: 549319371


AS I have little knowledge of HTTP headers,I am unable to figure out what
exactly happening from this.
Can anybody help me in this regard ? Please show me what cURL options
(switches) should I use OR it is a server problem i.e.not problem of cURL?

Regards ,
Pravin Jade.

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