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Re: CURL and content-length and connection-close

From: Ingo Fischer <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:38:04 +0100


See answers below ...

>>I have a problem connection CURL to a special Server. This server sends the
>>answer completely, but don't closes the connection. The Server send a
>>"Content-length: 145" or so and after this he sends the 145 bytes of data.
> That is standard and normal behavior by HTTP 1.1 servers. It isn't special at
> all.

Yes, but that server answeres with "200 OK HTTP/1.0" ... it is a server
of Mastercard and they can't change anything there ... I don't know what
they have done with that server ...

>>After this the answer is completely received, but the server don't sends any
>>additional data. The Server needs around 30 more seconds to close the
>>connection and curl will wait these 30 Seconds.
> If curl does that, it is a bug. In curl or in the server end.

Hm ... from Mastercard I got this answer:

> The Server is configured to establish and maintain persistent connections (if
> allowed) and as a result your Client may be waiting some given duration (
> approx. 30 secs) for the Server to close the connection once the Message has been
> sent. I suspect that once this time has elapsed, your Client is actually
> closing this connection.

But we found out that the server closes connection after 30 seconds and
not the client, the client still waits for more data.

>>Is there a way to force CURL to see the content-length and see that all
>>awaited data have received and close the connection from his side ?
> That's what curl does by default.

It don't seems so for me ...

> What curl version on what operating system is this?

We use an own woody-distribution with curl

curl 7.10.3 (i386-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.10.3 OpenSSL/0.9.6c ipv6

> Have you tried the latest version?
Not so far, but I will ask my sysadmin to update the curl-version and
then we try again. In v 7.10.6 it seems to be fixed
" Content-Length now overrides socket-closed as a means of knowing when
the response body is complete." ... hopyfully it works.

> Can you show us a command line that fails? Can you show us a trace
> output from a failing "session" ?

Ok, I will try the most actual curl-version and if this don't works I
will sends the trace to thge list.
Yesterday I don't fiund the changelist ;-))

Thanks !

>>it would be great if you could answer me in private (
>>too because I'm not on the list actually.
> Just make sure you keep follow-ups on the mailinglist (you'll be tortured by
> reply-mails saying your post is on hold until an admin has acknowledged it).

Ingo Fischer
Ingo Fischer
Schlund + Partner AG           NOF-Components :
Karlsruhe                      ICQ-Number     : 3183043
Tel.: 0721/91374-0
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Received on 2003-10-29