cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Error: Couldn't resolve host...

From: Jason D. Agostoni <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 11:24:56 -0400

I am trying to use the latest release version of cUrl but I keep getting the "couldn't resolve host" error that I have seen a few times in the mail archives. I am assuming it is related to an older version of glibc but aside from upgrading glibc, is there anything else I can do?

Here are the details:

Redhat 6

rpm -qa | grep glibc produces:

cUrl version 7.10.7 (I have also tried 7.10.3)

Tried all of the following command lines:
curl -I
and other permutations of the above...

I can use any other app to resolve hostnames (lynx, nslookup, etc.) and the only way I can get curl to work is to add the hostname to /etc/hosts with the appropriate IP address.

I have searched the archives and Google and didn't really get much further than this. Luckily, I only need libcurl to hit a few specific site so I have used the /etc/hosts fix for the time being.

Is there any more information I can provide for this list? My guess is that you are going to tell me to upgrade glibc but that may not be possible for me (I'll look into that).

Thanks for any information!


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Received on 2003-10-25