cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: Curl with Windows 2003 Server

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 15:05:42 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003, Frank Costa wrote:

> It's not an issue with the proxy or the url... apparently the mail
> reader added the extra hyperlink that is not how it was typed. I've
> been using Curl for some time now. I also have a WinXP Pro system that
> uses it fine so I was comparing side-by-side.


> The problem is on Windows 2003 Server. I can't get any network apps to work
> from the cmd prompt: telnet, ftp, ppm (for Active Perl), curl, etc. I
> realize I have a network issue from the command prompt


> In any case, has anyone used Curl on Windows 2003 successfully? I'm
> guessing this is not supported but if I hear likewise then I'll continue to
> explore the problem on my end.

I've never seen Windows 2003, so I guess that rules me out! ;-)

Looking at the domain of your email address, it sounds as if you could be able
to dig up this info from some well-informed source... :-)

While googling around, I fell over this posting from July that seems to
indicate at least one other user having problem with curl on this OS:

 Daniel Stenberg -- curl: been grokking URLs since 1998
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Received on 2003-10-22