Re: response data received from server
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 14:02:58 -0700
> On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Jerry G. Chiuan wrote:
> > Is it possible that libcurl doesn't delete the buffer, but rather let user
> > application deletes the buffer after it doesn't need it anymore
> No. I have an idea of how to reduce one copy from our callback system[*] but
> that's just an idea, far from being implemented.
> > By doing that, application can reduce one less copy, especially my data is
> > huge
> Keeping huge data in memory is stupid, libcurl will never do that. In most
> applications and systems, the extra copy is not adding much to the general
> speed of the transfer, as the network itself is almost always the bottleneck.
> [*] =
Hi Daniel,
I found an interesting thing regarding data (pointed by ptr ) passed into the WRITEFUNCTION callback:
size_t write_to_chunk(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data)
Originally, I worry about how long the data would be there without being over written ( <- you used to tell me that the buffer is reused )
"You have to copy the data. When you return from the callback, the buffer will be re-used for other purposes."
(<- this is what you mentioned in previous email )
But, I found that the data will be there after the callback returns, until next response comes in and it gets overwritten
It is alive long enough in my case, I can copy data out of the buffer "before the next response is received" ( not that fast before the callback returns)
I thought I have to copy data out of the buffer "right away"
thanks a lot
- Jerry
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Received on 2003-09-12