cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: response data received from server

From: Jerry G. Chiuan <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 10:36:54 -0700

> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Jerry G. Chiuan wrote:
> > I would like to have my own callback function invoked by curl once the
> > is received from server side
> I suggest you take this over to the libcurl mailing list, where you'll
> more libcurl users.
> CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION is there for you.
> > Then I can manipulate the data via A.
> >
> > - is it doable? or I have to "copy" the data into my buffer? how long
> > the data would be "alive"? when the data would be deleted?
> You have to copy the data. When you return from the callback, the buffer
> be re-used for other purposes.

> - Furthermore, who needs to delete the data? curl would do it?
> curl deals with its buffers itself, you deal with your buffers! :-)

Hi Daniel,
Is it possible that libcurl doesn't delete the buffer, but rather let user
application deletes the buffer after it doesn't need it anymore
By doing that, application can reduce one less copy, especially my data is

- Jerry

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Received on 2003-09-11