ASCII ftp mode on Mac Darwin
From: Doug McNutt <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 06:11:24 -0600
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 06:11:24 -0600
In the "learned the hard way" department, I found that uploading a text file with the -B option from a Macintosh using curl as delivered by Apple needs special attention.
The line ends of the source file need to be UNIX style 0A's. If you upload a text file created by a classic MacOS application the effect is either a binary transfer or a transfer with all 0D's dropped. I'm not sure which.
It's probably easier to convert to 0D0A pairs and upload in binary mode which I think is what ftp ASCII mode is supposed to do anyway.
And no. I don't suggest a change. I wouldn't know which characters to insert during an ASCII download.
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