cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: 7.9.5

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 05:01:36 -0500

Getting off-topic, but still vaguely relevant to the list... :)

curl-users wrote:

> Daniel Stenberg writes:
> >I'd advice you to simply upgrade your curl instead.
> OK, thanks for the advice.
> I've upgrade to 7.9.8 -> that was apparantly OK.
> Upgrading to the lastest 7.10.3-1 is not needed, since it works already on
> redhat 8 (which uses 7.9.8).
> But the problem still remains. Which makes me think it has something to do
> with PHP.
> Upgrading PHP is a hassle. To take the PHP over the distribution version,
> it seems lik I have to compile from source.
> Anybody on the list done this? It scares the hell out of me. I have 13
> failed dependencies when trying to install from the RPM version, I really
> don't wanna go there...

A good way to start is by dropping a small PHP file in your Apache docs tree,
containing this:

    <? phpinfo (); ?>

then pull that up in a browser. Right at the top you'll find all the option
switches that that version of PHP was compiled with. That'll giving you an
insight into how it was built. In general, you could probably pretty much
copy all those switches, substituting the stuff you want to replace, such as
the updated curl, MySQL, OpenSSL, etc.

    ./configure --help

is always fun, too. There's a pile of stuff you might want to
include/exclude, depending on how you're using PHP.


> Anyway, it seems like my problem is not a curl one. Thanks for the quick
> and usefull answer. -- peter

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