cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


7.10.3 breaks me

From: Moffet, Scott <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 13:53:31 -0800


I have an application using CURL that has become broken since 7.10.3 came out. I have been running the same application successfully in 7.10.1 and 7.10.2.

I have verified this problem building CURL from source in Linux. I have also verfied the same problem in Win32 using the binary distributions.

The connection is an SSL post of a string of XML data. The curl command I use is:
         $rdata = `'$curlpath' -E '$keyfile' -k -m 90 -s -S -d '$xmlstg' '$hoststg'`;

(yep, it's being called from perl, but straight command-line behavior is the same)

The server logs show that the HTTP headers are successfully recieved, but then the post data itself never gets through.

Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong? or is this something in the latest release of curl? (maybe both?)

Thanks in advance

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Received on 2003-03-09