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Is it possilbe to dread a FIFO on remote server via curl?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 17:44:19 +0800


I am going to read the output from a pipe created on a remote server via curl.
Curl exits and complains " not a plain file " .
It seems that FTP doesn't support this usage. ?

Does anyone have any good idea?


Here is my script running on remote server:

 # Create a fifo and then return the date
 # back to the caller when FIFO is read.
 $path = "./mydate";
     unless (-p $path) { system("mkfifo -m 0666 $path"); }
     open(FIFO,"> $path") || die "Cannot open $! \n";
     $date = `date`;
     print FIFO "[$date]";
     close FIFO;
 # Remove when done.
 unlink $path;

And I am going to read "mydate" from curl.

Received on 2003-02-25