cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: creating directory hierarchy

From: Nicolas Berloquin <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 20:27:34 +0100

> In the case I mentioned above, we must make sure to not check for the
> letter
> '/', but instead use the DIR_CHAR define or possibly define a new one.
> This
> is of course because some platforms use other directory separator
> characters.

well, then is DIR_CHAR kosher or not ?
Anyway, I implemented the comparison with it.

> CURLE_WRITE_ERROR seems appropriate.

righto !

One last question, I use permission 0750 for the directory creation, is
happy with this, or should we add another option to set this ?

the new diff file for main can be found at:

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Received on 2002-12-02