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Re: curl-devel?

From: Sinner from the Prairy <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 03:45:00 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 23 October 2002 07:3019pm, Cris Bailiff wrote:
> Small confusion going on here - I'll try to explain:


> > > > I downloaded the tar ball curl-7.10.1.tar.gz from the website.
> > > > Then, I built a neat RPM for my system (Linux Mandrake 7.2). I
> > > > installed. All OK.

> I'm assuming you made the RPM using the .spec file included in the
> curl tarball.

I'm building it using the CheckInstall utility, that fills the gaps
between "./configure --options=that --you=need && make" and the actual
building of the RPM.


> > > > Then, I try to compile something that needs curl ... and it
> > > > complains about missing curl-devel!

> I'm assuming also that the 'something' you tried to compile that
> needs curl-devel is another RPM, in .src.rpm format, or something
> else with a spec file? The spec file would have a line
> 'BuildRequires: curl-devel' or similar.


> > > > How do I get curl-devel in my system?

> OK - the answer is, 'you already have it', but rpm doesn't know. You
> have all the include headers and library files already installed as
> part of your 'curl' rpm.

Oh. I see

> > Am I missing something very obvious?

> It's not very obvious, no. Basically, the rpm spec file in the curl
> tarball is a bit out-dated, and very simplistic. It takes all of curl
> and makes one RPM, called 'curl', containing headers, libraries and
> the curl binary.

I see. A generic curl package that includes everything.

> When Troy packages curl for the curl website, he uses a smarter .spec
> file, which (from a single source) makes curl, curl-ssl and
> curl-devel RPMs, containing, respectively, curl binaries, curl
> binaries with ssl and curl headers.

Smart Troy

> Other distributions which package curl follow still other 'name
> splitting' schemes. Mandrake currently have curl in 'curl', the
> libraries in 'libcurl2' and the headers in 'libcurl2-devel' (but they
> used to have curl and curl-devel RPMs in older versions).

Exactly. And this gives me headache.

> You have everything in one RPM package, but the new 'something' you
> are building is expecting to build on a system with curl split into 2
> packages. You can probably just remove the 'BuildRequires:
> curl-devel' from the .spec file of your new software, to stop RPM
> complaining. ./configure should work it out from there.

This is bold and brave!

> The alternative is to re-build curl-7.10.1 with a better .spec file,
> either by waiting for Troy's next release, or by taking the .spec
> file from his last src.rpm release and updating it yourself for
> 7.10.1, so you end up with curl and curl-devel packages of your very
> own.

It' s a possibility, yes.

> Unfortunately, there's no 'one true rpm naming scheme', so this small
> issue may never go away, but if we replaced the aging .spec in CVS
> with the one Troy uses, at lease one variant would slowly
> disappear...

Let's be hopeful in the future!

> Cris

Thank you very much for such an extense explanation. Now I know how to

- -- Linux User # 89976
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Received on 2002-10-24