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curl usage does not match the docs?

From: Brett Dikeman <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 22:32:15 -0400


Curl usage does not seem to currently match the documentation...or
I'm missing out on something.

In version 7.9.4, using -F seems to clobber everything after it. Example:

curl -F file=@filename -F this=will -F not=showup url

...only the file will be POST'd. If I remove the file portion:

curl -F this=will -F not=showup url

...then both "this" and "not" will be POST'd correctly.

In 7.9.8, despite using the examples given in both the man page and
the readme on the website(changing only the filename and form field
name), all I get is "curl_formadd failed! curl: option -F was
wrongly used!"

The exact same command will, under 7.9.4, "work"(it will still
clobber everything after the file part)

Further, -d and --data-binary ignore the @ operator. For example:

curl -d block=@filename

will post, literally, "@filename" for the field "block", which is
-again- contrary to the man page and website.

7.7.2(the version included with MacOS X) works flawlessly with -F...

Could someone please provide a working option string to submit a file
via POST followed by several text field submissions?


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Received on 2002-08-14