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Re: Digital Certificates

From: Cris Bailiff <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 09:44:05 +1000

>On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 07:22, Steven R. Shourds wrote:
> I cannot seem to get curl to use my digital certificate that I exported.
> The url is correct in the example below. I am just not showing all of it.
> Example:
> curl -v -o matcat -E PerfProdPrivate.pfx
> curl: (35) unable to set certificate file (wrong password?)
> What am I doing wrong?

(I'm assuming you obtained your .pfx file from some Windows application, such
as IE or Lookout.) The .pfx format is not PEM format. It's basically pkcs12
format, with some embrace and extend on top.

You can turn it into a PEM file containing the key and certificate chain
using openssl:

openssl pkcs12 -in PerfProdPrivate.pfx -out PerfProdPrivate.pem

Add the flag '-nodes' if you don't want the PEM file to have a passphrase.
You'll need the export password you supplied when you extracted the .pfx file.



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Received on 2002-06-14