RE: Redirecting stdout in Win32
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 07:48:10 -0400
Agree with Daniel - using "> myoutput.log" should work fine. Having said that, I've just tested it on WinXP using the cygwin version, obviously not the same environment you're in.
If you want all the output in the same file, you might try using "--stderr -" (to send the stderr output into the same pipe as stdout), and then use either "-o filename" or "> filename" to get all output (errors and stdout) into the same file.
You might also try to find a copy of "tee.exe", to save the output to a file, and ALSO display it to the screen. Cygwin ( has this tool built-in, and I find it quite handy.
-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Goring []
Sent: Wed 05-Jun-02 05:59 PM
I'm a new user. What I want to do is really simple, but I can't find
how to do it. I simply want to direct all output to a log file. I can
send errors using --stderr myoutput.log but how do I redirect
stdout? Normal piping using > myoutput.log eliminates output to
the console, but gives an empty file. I'm using Win32 on Windows
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