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RE: curl and automatic proxy configuration/various sundry things

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 17:24:02 -0400

I suspect if you volunteered to write such a thing, it might make it into curl.exe a bit faster ;-) I don't recall for sure, but I don't think Daniel's ever expressed a specific desire *not* to have one of these in there.

In your corporate environment can you really not simply hard code a proxy server (or two)? I also don't think curl supports specification of multiple proxy servers (with the ability to use the 2nd one automatically if the first doesn't answer), but that ability would have to be added to truly support APC; if *just* that ability were added, would it be sufficient for your environment? (of course, you could add it already via script...)


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 3:07 PM

> > So.. does curl support automatic proxy configuration?
> No.

ARRGH. Unfortunately, that's the only thing in this whole list that is
absolutely necessary for me to have! I *need* this feature - as will, I
expect, most corporate firewall users (who are now moving to websense which
uses this bloody technology).

Any idea on if/when this will be incorporated? I know it needs a javascript
engine to make happen, has anyone looked at mozilla to see if one could be
co-opted to make curl apc-aware?


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Received on 2002-05-20