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Re: 7.9.5-pre4 tests on OS X 10.1.2

From: jonatan <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 10:04:33 +0100

>On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, jonatan wrote:
>> i am running the curl command outside of the test suite.
> > all of the following yield the same result as above:
> >
> > localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H "a: b"
> > localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H 'a: b'
> > localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H a:\ b
> >
> > however these work:
> >
> > localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H "a:b"
> > localhost% /usr/local/bin/curl -H "a: b"
> >
> > my setup is:
> >
> > localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -V
> > curl 7.9.5-pre4 (powerpc-apple-darwin5.3) libcurl 7.9.5-pre4
> > localhost% /usr/local/bin/curl -V
> > curl 7.9.2 (powerpc-apple-darwin5.2) libcurl 7.9.2
>I don't know what to say. Did you build the 7.9.2 version from source too? It
>obviously had something different as it picked a different darwin version.

7.9.2 was also built from source. (i have upgraded my o/s version
since, from 10.1.2 to 10.1.3 if i remember correctly, explaining the
darwin version difference.)

i tried to rebuild ("./configure" and "make" but not "make install")
7.9.2 but it also experienced the same problem.

then i tried installing ("make install") 7.9.5-pre and the problem disappeared.

it seems that it is working properly when installed, but not when
running from its own directory. both 7.9.2 and 7.9.5-pre4 apparently
behave this way.

i modified tests/ to use to installed "curl" instead of
"../src/curl" and ran the test suite after having installed

72 tests out of 72 reported OK: 100%
7 tests were skipped due to restraints
Received on 2002-03-05